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Coffee in the Cloud – Episode 2: How to Set Up Automated Order Confirmations within Your Existing ERP System

21. April 2021 · 11:00 am11:30 am

Webinar Series

18 min

Manual procurement is like a juggling act: you have to keep all of your balls in the air, and never miss a beat. Automated procurement helps B and C suppliers avoid costly errors that could result in downtime and lost revenue.

What to expect from this Webinar

In this webinar, discover the benefits of WebConnect for Suppliers including:
  • Increase flexibility and control over communications
  • Eliminate manual entry and cumbersome administration tasks
  • Streamline order confirmation via automated monitoring
  • Easy to use without cumbersome portals or extraneous steps
  • The benefits of WebConnect compared to traditional email

Your Speakers

Jean Ray

Key Account Executive
Jean manages some of the most well-known Fortune 100 customers utilizing the Retarus cloud communications platform. She leads the discovery and discussion with these clients and manages all requirements needed to move forward.

Sweta Gopalan

Head of Marketing US, Retarus
Sweta Gopalan works in the Marketing department along with the Direct Sales team to improve their sales activities. She helps provide assets, collateral and other material that can be helpful in the sales process and add value to their selling efforts.


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21. April 2021
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Event Category:


Online Webinar