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Events and Webinars

Discover the Retarus Cloud Services, and discuss Trends, Topics and Innovations in Enterprise-level Business Communications directly with our Experts.

Retarus auf dem Swiss eHealth Forum 2023
29. June 202330. June 2023
Digitale Prozesse. Rechtssichere und effiziente Kommunikation. Optimale Patientenversorgung. Erfahren Sie von unseren Experten auf dem Swiss eHealth Forum, wie Sie mit den Services von Retarus Kommunikationsprozesse und Workflows erfolgreich per Cloud absichern, digitalisieren und automatisieren.
New Channel Partner Program for the Retarus Secure Email Platform
Online Webinar
19. January 2021 · 3:30 pm4:00 pm
In this webinar, we will introduce you to our new partner program and its added values in more detail and explain why the comprehensive services of the Secure Email Platform are a useful addition to your existing portfolio.
Email Management for Office 365 from A to Z
Online Webinar
26. February 2019 · 3:00 pm3:30 pm
Security expert Martin Mathlouthi, Product Line Manager Email Security at Retarus, will show in a short presentation how to manage your email traffic of Microsoft 365 with Retarus more securely and more reliably.
Global Fax Trends and Innovation: 2024 and Beyond
Join a collection of Retarus’ fax experts to discuss critical trends within the messaging market, what that means for organizations in 2024, and how increased value can be extracted from seemingly legacy technology.
C-Lieferanten nahtlos integrieren – Bestellprozesse clever automatisieren
Erfahren Sie in diesem Webinar, wie Sie B- und C-Lieferanten nahtlos in Ihre Lieferkette integrieren und Ihre Einkaufsprozesse intelligent automatisieren. Profitieren Sie von effizienten Bestellvorgängen und minimieren Sie Ihren manuellen Aufwand.
Retarus’ Rapid Response Services
Learn how we help you address the challenges of any business disruption with the Retarus Cloud, in as soon as 48 hours including supporting your work from home scenarios.
Making Healthcare Communication Secure
Learn in this webinar why Retarus is your ideal partner for successfully securing, digitizing, and automating communication processes and workflows.
The Retarus Secure Email Platform: The complete package for your email. Made in Europe!
In this webinar our e-mail expert Martin Mathlouthi will present the advantages of the holistic Retarus Secure Email Platform. Thanks to our platform approach, companies benefit from a complete and closely integrated solution for all aspects of e-mail – including security and continuity, transacti...
IT Security Trends 2020 in Europe
Home office, new threat patterns, CJEU judgement … Join featured guest, Senior Forrester Security and Risk Analyst Paul McKay, for valuable insights into the latest European IT security trends of 2020.

Retarus Event Calendar: Worldwide, On the Spot.


Sep 11-12, 2024
Accounting Summit
Düsseldorf (DE)
Oct 15-17, 2024
Cloud Messaging, IDP, Supply Chain Integration
Leipzig (DE)
Oct 22-24, 2024
Email Security
Nürnberg (DE)
Oct, 2024
BME Symposium Einkauf & Logistik
BI-Solutions for Procurement, Logistics, Supply Chain
Berlin (DE)