GAIA-X: Retarus actively committed to a data-sovereign Europe

GAIA-X: Retarus actively committed to a data-sovereign Europe

The Court of Justice of the European Union’s ruling on Privacy Shield has once again shown just how crucial it is to implement the European data protection standards (as detailed in the GDPR) strictly and consistently. That’s why Retarus is throwing its weight behind the GAIA-X cloud initiative for a data-sovereign Europe and representing the interests of its European customers in the fields of communication, data security, and EU data protection standards. As a day-1 founding member of the international non-profit organization GAIA-X AISBL, Retarus is committed to safeguarding the core European values of increased data privacy, transparency, security and respect for data rights.

Retarus supports digital networking in Europe

The European GAIA-X cloud project has set itself the goal of safeguarding Europe’s independence and capacity for innovation by ensuring its digital sovereignty. The benefits of a European cloud are clearly evident. Having competitive European cloud technology allows data to be processed securely and responsibly within Europe, without users becoming dependent on a single cloud provider or getting caught up in the economic and political interests of individual countries. Monopolies held by international tech corporations are curbed and technological hurdles faced by small and medium-sized companies, (such as data migration) can be cleared away. And, most important of all, sensitive data always remains available, untouched, and confidential.

Data protection a top priority at Retarus

Whether it’s banking, healthcare, the industrial sector, or public administration: legally compliant processing of business-critical customer data has always been Retarus’ top priority. Of course, all the services Retarus offers – the Secure Email Platform, the Communications Platform or the Business Integration Platform – are provided in full compliance with the GDPR. Retarus’ customers benefit from its decades of experience in transporting sensitive data. Furthermore, Retarus processes all data belonging to European customers in data centers that it operates in Europe, unless other arrangements have been contractually agreed. You can find out more about Retarus’ involvement in the European GAIA-X cloud initiative in our recent press release.

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