Nowadays Business Fax Comes from the Cloud

Companies still send faxes on a regular basis, especially within strictly regulated industries. Yet fax machines and thermal paper rarely play a part these days. Cloud services and multifunction printers connected to the internet are able to play to the strengths and advantages that still distinguish fax as a transmission protocol in 2021.

In our new white paper on fax services we reveal which benefits modern cloud fax services offer companies, which use cases fax is especially well-suited to, and which factors you need to take into account when selecting a provider.

Cloud fax services are efficient, future-proof, cost-cutting, compatible and legally compliant – take a closer look for yourself by downloading your copy of our white paper “How Companies Benefit from Cloud Fax Services” today – totally free of charge, of course.

We would like to encourage you to also read up on the technicalities of secure online fax services in particular.

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