Thoroughly doesn’t mean slowly: Comprehensive threat analysis without delayed email delivery

Thoroughly doesn’t mean slowly: Comprehensive threat analysis without delayed email delivery

When it comes to email security, thoroughness is of the utmost importance. And yet, of course, it’s not allowed to come at the cost of processing or delivery speeds. However, this indeed seems to be the case with many of our competitors, based on information and feedback we consistently receive from our customers. Virus filters sometimes take substantially more than five minutes to complete their analyses – a small eternity for business-critical messages, which in many sectors and situations might actually put companies at a crucial competitive disadvantage.

Processing times of well under two seconds

That’s why with Retarus Email Security our product developers and infrastructure experts are continuously working closely together to ensure that the processing time is kept down to an absolute minimum. At the same time, however, the number of analyses and counterchecks against various data sources for phishing and malware information is constantly rising. Reducing throughput times is achieved through continually scaling and optimizing the infrastructure of our Retarus Enterprise Cloud with thousands of servers in redundantly operating data centers. And through the consistent parallelization of the numerous checks that need to be run on each message (see screenshot). This allows Retarus Email Security to achieve a virtually imperceptible average processing time of well below two seconds.

Thanks to machine learning: Speedy analysis, even in the sandbox

In certain cases, a slight delay might also of course be desired. When attachments are analyzed within a sandbox, or other solutions of that sort are employed, a short delay is rather common. This is inherent to the procedure, as in addition to static checks many time-intensive dynamic analyses need to be carried out. Thanks to machine-learning models, the solution employed by Retarus keeps the delay down to a minimum and automated decisions are made within a fraction of a second – without compromising the security at all. And sandbox analysis is rather the exception: Depending on their configuration settings, each customer can determine for which mailboxes and attachments (i.e., file types) a sandbox analysis should be required.

Secure Email Platform. A large proportion of the security checks are performed in parallel – for schematic reasons they are depicted sequentially here.

Transparent overview over all checking stages

In addition to Processing Time, the issue of transparency also plays a fundamental role at Retarus: Every stage produces tracking points, allowing administrators to follow the results themselves at any time. Should a user contact support to report a “missing” email, Retarus Email Live Search can be used to instantly determine the reason. And at Retarus you can rest assured that it’s not due to processing delays.

Please make sure to also check out our service that ensures email delivery when sending emails.

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