Shaping digitization: Retarus joins the German Charter of Digital Networking

As of now, Retarus is one of the signatories of the German Charter of Digital Networking (Charta der digitalen Vernetzung), a voluntary entrepreneurial initiative that was set up as part of the “National IT Summit” of the German government. The Charter’s objective is to establish a common platform for dialog between business, science, politics, and civil society.

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Higher fax throughput rate: How Retarus is waging war on the “user busy” message

To get around the problems associated with the transmission of large volumes of fax documents, companies are increasingly opting for virtual cloud-based solutions. “Faxing from the Cloud” customers also benefit from numerous additional features, which cause error rates to be significantly reduced. One example of this is Retarus’s own Never-Busy-Technology. Thanks to this function, the number of “busy” lines – and thereby the number of unsent faxes – is reduced to a minimum.

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How to archive encrypted emails in a legally compliant manner

If emails don’t only have to be transmitted in encrypted form but also have to be archived in compliance with legal requirements, IT decision-makers often find themselves faced with a new problem: How can it be guaranteed that despite end-to-end encryption the message will remain readable throughout the archiving period? Even if the recipient concerned has already left the company.

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When only an app is not enough: Why many internet services rely on SMS

No matter whether it’s online delivery services, car sharing providers or hotel booking platforms – in order to notify customers and partners dependably and without delay, many companies rely on SMS services from the cloud. Although most of these web services are equipped with their own apps, an increasing number of providers are additionally banking on notifying users via SMS. The benefits are perfectly obvious.

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