Seamless communication processes via the SAP Cloud

Be it offers, orders, customer or delivery documents, alerts, invoices or transport requests: in many companies business communication still takes place via decentralized infrastructures, inflexible solutions or outdated equipment. However, things are moving. A rising number of companies have realized that also with regard to these business processes, the solution lies in the cloud: This allows companies to bundle and consolidate communication processes across all channels, and send data and messages directly from their SAP systems.

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M2M and A2P SMS: Business communication between applications, people and machines

Messenger services aside: communicating via SMS continues to enjoy a very high degree of popularity in everyday business. As practical as SMS may be as a notification channel, like any other means of communication it only really develops its full potential when used as a tool for dialogue. When using Retarus SMS to Applications, for instance, incoming short messages are automatically pushed into the corresponding business application.

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Retarus opens new data center in Frankfurt: Expansion of the infrastructure

With the goal of continuing to ensure maximum control over sensitive data and the highest levels of availability for the future, Retarus is committed to the ongoing expansion of its global infrastructure. That’s why it recently decided to expand its existing hub in Frankfurt into a fully-fledged, autonomous data center. In addition to this new site Retarus also operates data centers in Germany, Switzerland, the US, Asia as well as in Australia.

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Large E-Mail Handling: What spam and large file attachments have in common

Email users are seldom pleased to suddenly discover email attachments of several megabytes on their smartphones, while providers and companies justifiably fear that their internal email architecture will be overloaded by “mega mails” – a drawback that large file attachments share with spam messages. This means that a solution is required which fulfills the needs of users and IT administrators alike.

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Spam or no Spam: That is the question!

The definition of spam is actually unambiguous: But in everyday life it often happens that users also feel bothered by the mass of newsletters or notification emails in their in-boxes, despite the fact that they may have consciously subscribed to them at some point in the past. How should IT administrators respond to this situation? What does this mean with respect to the configuration of spam filters?

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