Personally via all channels: trends in customer communication

Companies wishing to inform customers or employees in an up-to-date manner nowadays rely on more than one means of communication: the keywords in this regard are multi- or omnichannel. In order to not only reach recipients reliably, but also to gain their attention, a personalized form of address is essential.

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Machine to machine and person to person: This is how Industry 4.0 can succeed

Digitalization is making its way into factory halls. Keywords such as “the digital factory” and “industry 4.0” are heralding the implementation of an increasing number of “smart” machines. In order to encourage the necessary acceptance of automated systems, it is, however, important to integrate them as seamlessly as possible into the human work processes.

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Simplified contact management with dynamic distribution lists

Managing distribution lists can take a huge amount of time and effort. Web-based message distribution tools simplify this task considerably. A remedy is provided by the dynamic lists function: This filter function allows users to easily adapt a general distribution list which has been previously uploaded, so that it can be customized individually for each transmission or campaign.

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How “funky” is the fax actually these days?

The Financial Times recently investigated this question in an article on the future of business communication. Pointing to numerous research examples, the newspaper shows impressively that there continue to be compelling use cases for fax as a communication medium. From the medical sector right through to the internet economy, companies around the globe are set to continue to rely on this dependable communication standard.

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