Retarus E-Mail Security customers now enjoy the benefits of a new dynamic blacklisting function.
Retarus AntiSpam or “less is sometimes actually more”
Tags: Email Security // Spam
Retarus E-Mail Security customers now enjoy the benefits of a new dynamic blacklisting function.
Tags: Email Security // Spam
When walking through any public space, one gets the impression that each and every person is using a smartphone. A new survey shows, however, that this is an optical illusion.
Tags: Enterprise SMS // Smartphones
We are pushing ahead as announced with the continued development of Retarus E-Mail Security with the introduction of a dedicated phishing filter. The phishing filter is provided free of charge and further minimizes the risk faced by Retarus customers of an employee inadvertently falling for phishing links and disclosing sensitive (access) details.
Tags: Email Security // Patient Zero Detection // Phishing Filter
With just a few lines of code you can send and receive faxes by means of your mobile or web app – around the world via Retarus’ Global Delivery Network.
During the last quarter of 2016, 30 percent of all malware doing the rounds was so new that traditional anti-virus software companies had not yet developed signatures for them.
Tags: Email Security // IT-Security // Patient Zero Detection