Long and short code sms: What you should know about SMS sender identification

Carriers in different countries go to great lengths to prevent their customers from receiving spam. In order to send a large number of SMSs reliably and receive replies to them, companies also need a unique sender ID. This is the only way customers can match the SMS, such as an order or booking confirmation, to a company, and get in contact with them directly. From a technical point of view, there are basically three sender ID options. However, national regulations vary greatly.

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Higher fax throughput rate: How Retarus is waging war on the “user busy” message

To get around the problems associated with the transmission of large volumes of fax documents, companies are increasingly opting for virtual cloud-based solutions. “Faxing from the Cloud” customers also benefit from numerous additional features, which cause error rates to be significantly reduced. One example of this is Retarus’s own Never-Busy-Technology. Thanks to this function, the number of “busy” lines – and thereby the number of unsent faxes – is reduced to a minimum.

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All Admins are not Alike: Granular Administration of Rights for Email Security

When it comes to granting rights, managers responsible for enterprise IT would always like to define access to important systems as precisely as possible. It is only in the rarest cases that one uniform administrator profile is sufficient for the entire IT support: Especially with regard to email security, it often occurs in practice that support employees are only supposed to monitor the flow of messages for one specific department or site.

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Make space in your email inbox: Send large files with Retarus LFiX

It’s a dilemma: A large file should be sent to a colleague or business partner in the most direct way possible. At the same time you don’t want to bother the recipient with an attachment comprising several megabytes. Normal email transmission is therefore not an option. With Large File Exchange (LFiX), Retarus offers an easy-to-use, yet highly secure solution.

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Cloud SMS API: Ready for the internet economy with REST

An increasing number of companies are sending huge amounts of short messages with the aid of cloud services, reliably and quickly to mobile networks around the world. While many companies have thus far preferred to use SOAP interfaces, the trend in the Internet Economy has for some time now been clearly towards REST, short for Representational State Transfer. The advantage: Especially in the internet environment most of the infrastructure required for REST is already available.

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