When IT systems are no longer functioning, critical business processes grind to a halt. The costs incurred when operations fail can quickly skyrocket into millions. Retarus Email Continuity ensures that you and your employees remain productive in terms of communication, even if your own email infrastructure becomes unavailable, for instance due to a cyberattack.
According to the Allianz Risk Barometer 2020, cyber incidents have grown to become by far the biggest business risk for companies. As soon as IT systems are no longer running, crucial business processes come to a standstill. When operations are disrupted, the resulting costs can quickly reach millions of dollars. As 100 percent fail-safety can never be guaranteed for any part of a business, effective business continuity management and sound plans for keeping IT operations running in times of crisis have become essential for companies.
With the state-of-the-art failover service Retarus Email Continuity, companies remain productive even if their own email infrastructures become unavailable, for instance during server and cloud downtimes or security incidents. In such cases, the service steps in and ensures that the impacted company’s email communication continues running uninterrupted. Immediately, the service reroutes the emails to a server independent of its own email system, ensuring that communication with business partners, customers, and colleagues remains smooth and free of disruption.

“More than ever, business continuity management needs to be considered an integral component of the business strategy,” says Martin Hager, founder and CEO at Retarus. “Email has a key role to play in continuity, as it has become the main communication channel for companies, both within the company and with external partners. Retarus’ Email Continuity service is an essential component in disaster prevention, enabling companies to seamlessly continue communicating via email, even when the infrastructure has failed.”
For further details please see our current press release.