New Live Overview in WebConnect for Suppliers

New Live Overview in WebConnect for Suppliers

Retarus is constantly engaged in developing and enhancing WebConnect for Suppliers. The latest version boasts a completely new Live Order Monitoring view, while simultaneously laying the groundwork for further powerful, value-adding functions for managing orders from B and C level suppliers.

Version 3.0 of WebConnect for Suppliers provides purchasers with a comprehensive overview over all orders they have placed. The orders are already presorted by status. This allows you to see at a glance which orders are still waiting for confirmation or are already “overdue” (the respective due date can be defined by the user to meet their own requirements).

The live view of the order monitoring automatically updates with every change. This means that the purchasing agent can simply leave the spreadsheet open permanently in a browser tab.

The system offers direct access to each order, for instance to undertake changes based on the clear visual information or to view the order history. An order can be resent if required, for instance to a vacation replacement, without having to initiate a new shipping order in the ERP system.

The integrated search makes it easier to find orders using the order number or supplier name – the history stretches back one year into the past.

The new functions are already available for testing in the live demo.

WebConnect for Suppliers impresses with its ease of use and wide range of functions. Low and transparent costs make it an appealing option for companies looking to optimize their procurement processes while also cutting costs.

Find out more about WebConnect for Suppliers on our website or directly from your local Retarus representative.


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