As with many legacy technologies, advances and development across the industry results in their inevitable retirement. In the U.S., “POTS” are the latest to go extinct.
End of “POTS” Lines, Beginning of a Cloud Fax Future
Tags: Cloud Fax
As with many legacy technologies, advances and development across the industry results in their inevitable retirement. In the U.S., “POTS” are the latest to go extinct.
Tags: Cloud Fax
Companies still send faxes on a regular basis, especially within strictly regulated industries. Yet fax machines and thermal paper rarely play a part these days. Cloud services and multifunction printers connected to the internet are able to play to the strengths and advantages that still distinguish fax as a transmission protocol in 2021.
Tags: Cloud Fax // Whitepaper
The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) recently released its report on “The State of IT Security in Germany 2021”. For the reporting period between June 2020 and May 2021, the BSI characterizes the overall state of IT security as “acute to critical”.
Tags: BSI // Email Security // Lagebericht
Many companies are seeking to improve their collaboration with suppliers, but are unsure how to go about achieving this. Gartner® has outlined the key steps for a strategic approach.
The modular Retarus Secure Email Platform now includes a further innovative service: Trace & Recover. The service complements Retarus Transactional Email by caching transactional emails securely in an intelligent short-term storage. Companies can save significant time and money – especially if they operate complex application landscapes with numerous workflows. Last but not least, customer satisfaction increases.
Tags: Email Security // Trace & Recover // Transactional Email
Retarus’ daily email security reports have always provided end users with a transparent overview of their filtered messages. Now we are launching a completely revamped version of these email notifications – in eleven languages.
Tags: Email Security // User Education
Security experts recently investigated offers made by ransomware actors to buy network accesses on the darknet, shedding light on the criteria cyber criminals use when selecting target companies to blackmail with their maliciously encrypted data.
Tags: Email Security // Ransomware
With this new service, transactional emails and reference information are automatically saved in an intelligent short-term memory. Employees in support or contact centers can thus easily resend these at any time if required.
Tags: Trace & Recover // Transactional Email
Our support team recently dealt with a ticket which initially appeared to confound expectations. An email which had been retrieved from quarantine took an unusually long amount of time to be transferred to the user’s inbox. But there was an explanation for this that was as simple as it was convincing.
Tags: ATP // Email Security // Quarantäne
Retarus at HIMSS 2021: the biggest play in healthcare.