Reporting from the Home Front (II)

At the end of March, I published my first report from the home office here in this blog. Back then, everything was still new and unfamiliar regarding the Coronavirus, lockdown and WFH (working from home). In the meanwhile, this year of the pandemic is now nearing its end – a good opportunity to look back over the year and take stock.

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Process documents automatically using barcode fax

Retarus’ fax outbound service now provides companies with the option of generating and personalizing barcodes to be added to fax cover sheets. The details required for the barcode are simply entered into the personalization field for each fax job. This allows Retarus’ customers to match faxes up with existing transactions and establish new, automated processes.

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FBI issues warning over imminent cyber threats targeting US hospitals

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has joined other federal agencies in issuing an alert about an “increased and imminent” threat of cybercrime facing US healthcare institutions. According to the warning, cyber extortionists are attempting to lock up hospital information systems – just as the country is grappling with a rising number of Covid-19 cases.

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