In an intriguing study, HackerRank has analyzed its data to find out which countries have the best developers—and the results may surprise you.
Which Country Has the Best Software Developers?
Tags: Developers // Recruiting
In an intriguing study, HackerRank has analyzed its data to find out which countries have the best developers—and the results may surprise you.
Tags: Developers // Recruiting
In Gartner’s recent Hype Cycle for Imaging and Print Services, the IT analysts describe the development life cycles of printing technologies, software and services, which assist IT decision-makers in their search for the appropriate solutions that can fulfill their specific requirements. Gartner classifies “Enterprise-Level Cloud Faxing” as being on the “Slope of Enlightenment”.
Tags: Cloud Fax // Gartner // Hype Cycle
It would be nice if a company could piece together its entire IT landscape with cloud APIs—DIY style—but this image of a “composable enterprise” that is occasionally conjured up will remain wishful thinking for the foreseeable future.
Tags: APIs // Cloud Services
Businesses are seeking technology that will increase productivity and profits by reducing their costs. To fulfill these increases in efficiency, eDiscovery technology has been a significant market force. Financial, Health and Automotive organizations are especially drawn to this technology to collect and to process Searchable Fax PDFs and the associated delivery sheets.
Tags: Automotive // Compliance // eDiscovery // Finance // Healthcare // Searchable
Last year, the private sector spent more than 75 billion dollars on security software. But have systems and data become any safer?
Tags: Data Leakage Prevention // Email Security // IT-Security
These days, fewer and fewer text messages are being sent from person to person. At the same time, the market share of messaging from software applications to personal mobile phones (A2P) and between machines (M2M) is growing all the time.
Tags: Enterprise SMS
The World Economic Forum (WEF) anticipates that the technology behind the virtual currency Bitcoin will come to occupy a crucial role in the global finance system.
Tags: Blockchain
The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework was adopted last month, July 2016. This new regulation was designed and accepted by the U.S. Department of Commerce and European Commission to provide companies on both sides of the Atlantic with a mechanism to comply with EU data protection. The Privacy Shield’s requirements impacts personal data being transferred from the European Union to the United States. US Companies that do global business may be interested in being in compliance, if they receive personal data from European Union citizens.
Tags: Data Protection // EU // Privacy Shield // US
By 2020 it is expected that more than $195 billion will have been spent on services in the public cloud, according to market researchers at IDC.
Tags: Advisory // Email Security // Trojan
By 2020 it is expected that more than $195 billion will have been spent on services in the public cloud, according to market researchers at IDC.
Tags: Cloud // Cloud Services