Consultants Warn Companies to Be Cautious with WhatsApp

Using WhatsApp as a company poses problems when it comes to the German Data Protection Act, because contacts from the user’s cell phone are transferred to WhatApp’s servers. Corporate users of the service could be held liable (accompanied by significant monetary penalties!), because they are aware of this. Attorneys therefore unanimously recommend not using WhatsApp for professional purposes.

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Long and short code sms: What you should know about SMS sender identification

Carriers in different countries go to great lengths to prevent their customers from receiving spam. In order to send a large number of SMSs reliably and receive replies to them, companies also need a unique sender ID. This is the only way customers can match the SMS, such as an order or booking confirmation, to a company, and get in contact with them directly. From a technical point of view, there are basically three sender ID options. However, national regulations vary greatly.

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Football Fever: The Big Retarus Betting Game for the European Football Championship

Only 18 more days until the 2016 European Football Championship. Retarus is feverishly awaiting the championship and is pleased to present the Retarus Betting Game for the European Football Championship. Those who want to test their football knowledge and compete with colleagues and friends can register for the Retarus Betting Game for the European Football Championship before the opening game—and with a little luck, win one of 20 great prizes.

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Four benefits to a smarter vendor deployment approach

In today’s age, IT challenges faced with a single sourced vendor approach, can lead to significant complications. Like many examples in recent history, such as the Financial Crisis, having no backup plan or limited knowledge can results in costly solutions. Diversification in today’s unsettled market is the framework for ensuring operations during difficult times.

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Shaping digitization: Retarus joins the German Charter of Digital Networking

As of now, Retarus is one of the signatories of the German Charter of Digital Networking (Charta der digitalen Vernetzung), a voluntary entrepreneurial initiative that was set up as part of the “National IT Summit” of the German government. The Charter’s objective is to establish a common platform for dialog between business, science, politics, and civil society.

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