Four benefits to a smarter vendor deployment approach

In today’s age, IT challenges faced with a single sourced vendor approach, can lead to significant complications. Like many examples in recent history, such as the Financial Crisis, having no backup plan or limited knowledge can results in costly solutions. Diversification in today’s unsettled market is the framework for ensuring operations during difficult times.

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Shaping digitization: Retarus joins the German Charter of Digital Networking

As of now, Retarus is one of the signatories of the German Charter of Digital Networking (Charta der digitalen Vernetzung), a voluntary entrepreneurial initiative that was set up as part of the “National IT Summit” of the German government. The Charter’s objective is to establish a common platform for dialog between business, science, politics, and civil society.

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ROI Realization of Managed Cloud Messaging Solutions

The magnitude of cost reduction and specific technical performance is impacted by current advances in Cloud Computing. While no ROI study can be 100% accurate – there are many variables and intangibles fundamentals that go into calculating an ROI. Attempting to measure the ROI is still an important way to help organizations choose if there are advantages to deploy and exploit a cloud managed system.

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Department of Health and Human Services Launches Long Awaited HIPAA Audit – Phase 2

Early last month, the Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR) officially launched Phase 2 of its HIPAA Audit Program. Phase 2 is an extension of 2011’s Pilot Program to review an entities adherence to HIPAA’s Privacy, Security and Breach Notification rules. If you are an organization concerned about remaining compliant with HIPAA and HITECH, ensure you are up to date on best practices from existing vendors.

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Sending Insurance Information via SMS to Customers: Europ Assistance relies on Retarus

In order to guarantee optimal customer service, insurance companies are increasingly relying on SMS services in the cloud. For example, claims can be avoided by texting out weather warnings. Updates on current cases, deadline reminders or calls to download documents, all allow for the efficient settling of claims.

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Higher fax throughput rate: How Retarus is waging war on the “user busy” message

To get around the problems associated with the transmission of large volumes of fax documents, companies are increasingly opting for virtual cloud-based solutions. “Faxing from the Cloud” customers also benefit from numerous additional features, which cause error rates to be significantly reduced. One example of this is Retarus’s own Never-Busy-Technology. Thanks to this function, the number of “busy” lines – and thereby the number of unsent faxes – is reduced to a minimum.

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“Panama Papers”: Recent news underscores critical nature of security

What will be the long terms effects of the Panama Papers? While we can’t tell you that, it is clear that data security and protection is a theme which will play out over and over in the coming days, months, and years. Those at the Cloud Security Alliance have dove deeper into just how at risk those in the legal world are to data security breaches.

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