Finance: What are the top 3 challenges IT decision makers must overcome in 2016?

The year draws to a close. Not only the increasing regulatory demands at national, European and international level have been presenting challenges on banks and financial institutions in the past year; customer expectations and their communication methods have also fundamentally changed. But which are the challenges that CIOs and IT managers have to expect in the coming year?

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Experton Security Vendor Benchmark 2016: Experton Group evaluates IT security market

Be it due to increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks, high cost pressure or strict legal guidelines such as the EU Data Protection Regulation or the new German IT Security Act – IT security stands alongside cloud computing, big data, social business and mobile enterprise as one of the topics to which the ITC is currently paying most attention. In its annual survey the Experton Group examined the offerings of 138 service providers who currently play an important role on the security market. Retarus has immediately achieved inclusion in the quadrant “Product Challenger” being positioned as one of the strongest cloud service providers in the category “E-Mail / Web / Collaboration Security”.

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BITKOM Study: Digitalization as an Opportunity?

While BITKOM confirms that 95 percent of all companies see digitalization as providing opportunities, many companies still have great difficulties in implementing their digital strategies. But in order to remain competitive over the long term in the age of digital transformation, companies urgently need to implement a holistic digital strategy which takes changes in technology, competition and staffing requirements into consideration.

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Innovative since 1992: How Retarus enables new business processes

Taking a closer look at Retarus’ comprehensive portfolio, it doesn’t take long to notice that a whole raft of communication channels are on offer for the flow of essential information. At the end of the day, it is actually not the medium itself that occupies center stage. A look at the history of the company shows that the innovative developments over the years have generally kept a close eye on the business processes of customers – regardless of which channel is finally employed to meet the customer’s needs.

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Personalized newsletter: Just a few steps to your customized holiday mail

Not only in private life but also in everyday professional life the festive planning usually suffers with all its to-do lists and deadlines associated with the end of the calendar year. So it’s all the more important that at least the season’s greetings from the head of the company and the invitation to the Christmas party are not neglected in the mad rush. This is where Retarus WebExpress provides a remedy.

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The Retarus Emoji Christmas Quiz

There’s only 24 days until Christmas: To shorten the remaining time until December 24, we will present you each business day a different Christmas song on the Retarus blog – expressed in Emojis. Get into the spirit of Christmas by riddling, challenging your family, your colleagues and friends, hum along, get into the swing of Christmas …

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Email archiving and encryption – working in tandem

Regulatory requirements make it mandatory for companies to archive their digital correspondence compliantly for many years. In an age when business emails are increasingly transmitted in encrypted form, this is often much more easily said than done. At first glance audit-proof archiving and encrypted emails appear to be mutually exclusive. Retarus E-Mail Security allows IT managers to easily overcome both challenges simultaneously.

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Seamless communication processes via the SAP Cloud

Be it offers, orders, customer or delivery documents, alerts, invoices or transport requests: in many companies business communication still takes place via decentralized infrastructures, inflexible solutions or outdated equipment. However, things are moving. A rising number of companies have realized that also with regard to these business processes, the solution lies in the cloud: This allows companies to bundle and consolidate communication processes across all channels, and send data and messages directly from their SAP systems.

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Retarus boosts presence in APAC

Next Step Asia: Retarus is strengthening its presence in Asia thus continuing to expand its position as a leading global provider of professional messaging services. The strategic expansion of its Asian subsidiary in Singapore is meant to boost the messaging service provider’s business in the APAC region, allowing the company to even better cater to the needs of local businesses.

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