Retarus E-Mail Security customers now enjoy the benefits of a new dynamic blacklisting function.
If a conspicuously high number of emails enter the Retarus infrastructure, sent from the same IP address to unknown recipients, these messages are initially accepted and processed more slowly (tarpit). Should the high load continue, then the connection is discontinued and the sender IP address is placed on a temporary blacklist.
Technically, this task is performed by the Directory Filter, which already provides options for throttling traffic. What’s new is that we now also feed you information regarding which emails have a spam probability of 100 percent.
As more spam is now already rejected at the Directory Filter level, less spam ends up in the dedicated Retarus-AntiSpam filter, and consequently in quarantine. As previously mentioned, this is no reason for our customers to be concerned. There are only fewer messages marked as spam in quarantine because more spam from clearly untrustworthy IP addresses has already been detected and blocked by the Directory Filter upstream, meaning that it hasn’t even reached the point at which it would be analyzed by AntiSpam. We find that in times of massive volumes of spam – our systems are currently logging 3 to 4 times the volumes that we were registering at the beginning of the year – this is certainly good news.
Retarus E-Mail-Security is a comprehensive service for email communication free of virus and spam, offering a wide range of functions including our new Patient Zero Detection®, which discovers infected emails that have already been delivered to email inboxes, meaning that your company can safeguard itself against the high costs which may result from a successful attack. Find out more here or directly from your local Retarus contact person.