Retarus Again Listed as a Sample Vendor for “Enterprise-Level Cloud Faxing” in Gartner Hype Cycle

In Gartner’s recent Hype Cycle for Imaging and Print Services, the IT analysts describe the development life cycles of printing technologies, software and services, which assist IT decision-makers in their search for the appropriate solutions that can fulfill their specific requirements. Gartner classifies “Enterprise-Level Cloud Faxing” as being on the “Slope of Enlightenment”.

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What does ordering a Cheese Sandwich have to do with fax APIs?

One does not often consider the behind-the-scenes IT processes taking place to order a taxi ride on a crowded street from your smartphone. What about considering what exactly is required on your tablet or desktop computer to order food from your favorite restaurant. Finally, how about the steps for checking on the availability of a product you ordered in a store or online. How do businesses streamline their processes to make transactions seamless and simple for users, partners, and themselves?

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Higher fax throughput rate: How Retarus is waging war on the “user busy” message

To get around the problems associated with the transmission of large volumes of fax documents, companies are increasingly opting for virtual cloud-based solutions. “Faxing from the Cloud” customers also benefit from numerous additional features, which cause error rates to be significantly reduced. One example of this is Retarus’s own Never-Busy-Technology. Thanks to this function, the number of “busy” lines – and thereby the number of unsent faxes – is reduced to a minimum.

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