Security Alert: One in six emails contains a virus

After Locky, here comes KePanger, PowerWare and Petya: Retarus is currently observing a significantly higher incidence of the crypto trojan Locky, as well as new variations. Whilst in February only around 3% of all incoming emails were infected, the number of messages filtered in March due to viruses had already risen to 17%. This corresponds to a fivefold rise in comparison with the previous month and can be explained primarily by the large increase in ransomware.

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How to archive encrypted emails in a legally compliant manner

If emails don’t only have to be transmitted in encrypted form but also have to be archived in compliance with legal requirements, IT decision-makers often find themselves faced with a new problem: How can it be guaranteed that despite end-to-end encryption the message will remain readable throughout the archiving period? Even if the recipient concerned has already left the company.

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