“What does … actually mean?” – New Email Security glossary brings clarity to users

“What does … actually mean?” – New Email Security glossary brings clarity to users

DKIM, NDR Spam, SPF, CxO Fraud: There are plenty of reasons why a message might be filtered out by Email Security, and not delivered to the user’s own inbox.  

While the terms mentioned above are routine in the daily work of IT administrators and those responsible for corporate cybersecurity, end users looking into their personal email quarantine may often get the impression that they are faced with an incomprehensible mystery? What exactly do the abbreviations mean? May one download the email anyway? Or does the message represent a security risk?

Online glossary aims to explain terms and enlighten users

To provide answers to these questions in line with the best possible user awareness efforts, the glossary for Retarus Email Security has now been fundamentally revised. The virtual reference index is now available in a version which is both more detailed and explained in more easily comprehensible language (even for less technically oriented users). Just like all the other user interfaces belonging to Retarus’ services, the glossary is available in five different languages.

Each of the potential reasons for filtering out a message within the Retarus Email Security service has its own, separate glossary entry. The respective explanations can each be reached with just one click from the user’s personal “Email Security Report”, a (daily) digest message automatically delivered to each user:

An example of an “Email Security Report” message, containing a list of all messages which have been blocked or shifted into the user’s personal quarantine. Clicking on items in the first column leads directly to the corresponding glossary entries.

More user awareness, fewer support requests

Retarus is continually developing and enhancing measures to increase the sensitization of end users with regard to email security. Providing information which is as comprehensive as possible and easy to understand on methods of attack such as phishing or the latest viruses, not only raises the overall level of security at the company. If the information is presented in a clear way, the internal support can also be spared a great number of requests. This frees up the support staff to concentrate on other urgent tasks.

Portal for “User Quarantine” provides detailed information on every email

To ensure this clarity, all Retarus users are given even more details on their blocked or quarantined messages in real time by way of a browser-based User Quarantine portal. In addition to the explanations in the glossary, the portal includes intuitive color markings to indicate the threat level, advanced search options (e.g. for specific attachments or reason for quarantining) as well as a preview display of the filtered message.

Detailed view of an email within the “User Quarantine” portal. Besides information on spam probability and threat level, users are also provided with a link to the corresponding glossary entry at the bottom of the screen.

More elucidation, already in the digest

As a next step, Retarus is planning to substantially revamp the structure and explanations within the “Security Report” email itself, so that already at this early stage users are better informed about the reasons their messages have been filtered out and the potential consequences – optimizing their protection even further.


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