White paper sheds light on XRechnung and ZUGFeRD

White paper sheds light on XRechnung and ZUGFeRD

For those with a professional interest in electronic invoicing (e-invoicing), we have made a wealth of useful information available on the Retarus website.

Anyone intending to send invoices to the German government, the federal states, local government or municipalities will be required to make use of electronic invoicing in the near future. And pure PDF files, for instance, will no longer be acceptable. Instead, data will have to be transmitted within the structured format of an XRechnung.

Learn more about the practical implications of the XRechnung and ZUGFeRD formats, why you can’t get around using them and how they can best be implemented in Retarus’ white paper: “Everything You Need To Know About Electronic Invoicing in Germany: XRechnung and ZUGFeRD 2.0”. This insightful information sheet is available for free download from the Retarus website upon registration.

The fact that Retarus is a fully “Certified PEPPOL Access Point” and able to connect you with Europe’s public institutions by way of the Peppol network, was the focus of a recent report on this blog.

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