{"id":2569,"date":"2017-12-23T15:30:38","date_gmt":"2017-12-23T14:30:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.retarus.com\/blog\/en\/porsche-works-council-we%e2%80%99ve-already-got-the-solution"},"modified":"2024-05-07T19:11:53","modified_gmt":"2024-05-07T17:11:53","slug":"porsche-works-council-weve-already-got-solution","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.retarus.com\/blog\/en\/porsche-works-council-weve-already-got-solution\/","title":{"rendered":"Porsche Works Council, We\u2019ve Already Got the Solution!"},"content":{"rendered":"

The works council at Porsche would like to have their staff shielded from work emails during their leisure time, in order to prevent burnout. Retarus has got the perfect solution for them.<\/p>\n

The head of Porsche\u2019s works council, Uwe H\u00fcck; would like to introduce new email guidelines out of concern for burnout amongst the company\u2019s workers, reports the German Press Agency (dpa)<\/a>. To reduce work strain the email accounts of the employees should be blocked in the period between 7 pm and 6 am, as well as on weekends and during vacation times, H\u00fcck is quoted as saying in Stuttgart: \u201cReading and answering emails from the boss in the evening or at night represents unpaid working time which increases stress – that\u2019s just not on.\u201d<\/p>\n

If it were up to H\u00fcck, emails outside of working hours would be bounced back to the sender and deleted from the inboxes of recipients or simply not be shown. This rule is only intended to apply to tariff workers – managers will not be included, he goes on to say. With such an arrangement, Porsche would certainly be going one step further than other automotive players. VW indeed blocks mail accounts overnight according the dpa, but in the morning the mails which have arrived become available to read. Daimler, on the other hand, offers its employees the option of having their emails deleted automatically while they are on holiday.<\/p>\n

Retarus E-Mail Security<\/a> already offers the \u201cQuiet Time\u201d function<\/a> as an optional service for its Essential Protection package. Quiet Time allows you to define periods during which employees don\u2019t receive external emails, for example outside of working times and on weekends. It also enables you to define periods during which emails are not delivered to inboxes, so that email servers can undergo maintenance without any inconvenience.<\/p>\n

Quiet Time offers the following options:<\/p>\n