Growing amount of zero-day malware in circulation

Growing amount of zero-day malware in circulation

During the last quarter of 2016, 30 percent of all malware doing the rounds was so new that traditional anti-virus software companies had not yet developed signatures for them. This is outlined in a recent article on industry news Service «GeekWire» from Seattle, following on a report by security specialists Watchguard Technologies, based in the same city. To identify ongoing trends, Watchguard analyzed data provided by nearly 25,000 active security appliances that the company is running. In addition to the high proportion of zero day malware the Watchguard report also reveals other interesting trends. For instance, it shows that documents concealing nasty macros are still in use (especially for targeted attacks known as spearphishing) and that attackers like to spread or conceal their malware by means of JavaScript, largely due to the ready availability of the exploit kits required. In the face of increasing volumes of zero day malware, Retarus has taken an innovative path with its «Patient Zero Detection®« technology. This new approach focuses on identifying attacks that have already slipped through the company’s defenses. Recipients of emails containing malware, which have already been delivered, can now be identified retroactively. Patient Zero Detection® then alerts administrators and, if desired, the recipients without delay about infected systems – enabling a timely response. In this way, security-conscious companies provide additional protection for their IT infrastructures and reduce their risk substantially. Find out more about Retarus Patient Zero Detection® here or directly from your local Retarus contact person.

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