For the past ten years IBM Research has been releasing its annual “5 in 5” prognosis. This time round it’s all about visibility.
France now also gets to take a break
As of January 1, 2017, a new law has been enacted in France allowing employees to be offline outside of their working times.
Tags: Email // Email Security
Companies more willing to give in to ransom demands
70 of all companies previously held to ransom by perpetrators of a ransomware attack ended up paying the ransom demanded in order to regain access to their data.
Tags: Email Security // Patient Zero Detection // Ransomware
At companies the desktop PC still reigns supreme
Anyone working at a company is unlikely to be knocked off their swivel chair by this piece of news. In fact, most members of staff are still provided with a desktop computer by their employers.
Tags: Desktops & Devices // Retarus Cloud Services
It‘s 2016 and still the chatbots don’t understand us
For like a year and a half Silicon Valley started spreading the gospel that messaging was set to revolutionize the use of mobile devices, ushering in the post-app era.
Tags: Chatbots // Enterprise SMS // Messaging