In the Name of Her Majesty: British Phishing Emails Promise Tax Refunds

In recent days, many inboxes have been receiving emails that at first sight appear to carry joyous news. In the subject line they announce a tax refund, and the sender seems to be “Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs” (HMRC) – the British tax authority. So every recipient with business ties to the United Kingdom is likely to take a closer look.

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All Admins are not Alike: Granular Administration of Rights for Email Security

When it comes to granting rights, managers responsible for enterprise IT would always like to define access to important systems as precisely as possible. It is only in the rarest cases that one uniform administrator profile is sufficient for the entire IT support: Especially with regard to email security, it often occurs in practice that support employees are only supposed to monitor the flow of messages for one specific department or site.

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How to protect yourself from blackmail trojan Locky

Since last week the aggressive blackmail Trojan Locky has been causing mischief on computers around the globe. Retarus expands existing spam and virus protection functions and switch all customers over to fourfold virus scanning for the duration of the current, acute threat. To protect yourself as well as possible from attacks by Locky and similar ransomware, users should additionally be vigilant when running macros.

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Secure bank communication: DZ BANK Group banks on Retarus

With the explosion of data communications, banks will need to ensure that information is transmitted free of error and with a high level of security. Enterprise Messaging Services support financial institutions in securing their communication. DZ BANK AG for example, Germany’s fourth largest bank, uses Retarus’ services across the whole company for a wide and diverse range of tasks and scenarios.

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Retarus Attachment Blocker: Filter emails containing untrustworthy attachments

Retarus E-Mail Security does not only safeguard you from virus and spam. Also other types of unwanted messages can be easily filtered out: The Retarus Attachment Blocker prevents therefore the receipt of all file attachments which the administrator has classified untrustworthy or which should be precluded from gaining entry to the company infrastructure for other reasons – regardless of their file format.

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«We need to talk!»: Enterprise Messaging Trends 2016 (1/2)

To kick off the New Year, Retarus therefore identified the seven most important trends in Enterprise Messaging. In the first part of our two-part blog post you can find out why companies need to focus more on the “workplace of the future”, connected business, Industry 4.0 and security issues.

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