Gartner Hype Cycle: When a trend is really a trend

Gartner Hype Cycle: When a trend is really a trend

For more than 20 years the analysts at Gartner have been using their “Hype Cycle” to throw light on the development of technological trends. But what do Gartner’s experts say about cloud fax services? Have they already arrived at the “Plateau of Productivity” or is the “Trough of Disillusionment” just around the corner? In their Hype Cycle report Gartner analysts year after year present their assessment of which trends the market has to be prepared for and which phase of public attention an emerging technology is currently engaged in. The experts base their analysis on the premise that there are five phases: the “Technology Trigger”, the “Peak of Inflated Expectations”, the “Trough of Disillusionment”, the “Slope of Enlightenment” and the “Plateau of Productivity”.

Cloud Fax Services on the Plateau of Productivity

It’s hardly a surprise that smart machines and robots, automated systems and the Internet of Things are counted by the Gartner Hype Cycle amongst the year’s technology hypes. It may, however, at first glance raise a few eyebrows that fax – a technology which is erroneously believed to be dead – is also rated among these trends. Yet “Enterprise-Level Cloud Faxing“ has been classified in the recent report “Gartner Hype Cycle for Imaging and Print Services, 2015“ as being on the ”Plateau of Productivity“. According to the report, Cloud Fax Services are presently being employed to great benefit in widely varied ways. The advantages are clearly visible in the market: companies benefit both economically as well as with regard to their IT strategy. Cloud Fax Services are predestined to be used as a mainstream technology, and in an increasing number of companies it is only a question of time before it is employed. According to Gartner, the critical driver for this development is the growing importance of cloud computing.

Retarus is a Sample Vendor for Enterprise-Level Cloud Faxing

One of the greatest benefits of cloud fax services is – as said by the analysts – the scalability of these services as it allows companies to respond flexibly to new requirements at all times. Efforts and costs are always based on the current demand for the service. At the same time, costs for fax servers, including their maintenance and repair, are entirely eliminated. The responsibility for the secure and faultless operation of the services is assumed by the service provider. Moreover, functionalities such as Mail2Fax, which allows faxes to be sent directly from any email client, enable an efficient collaboration between customers, business partners and employees across different channels of communication. Gartner lists Retarus as a sample vendor for Enterprise-Level Cloud Faxing. More information can be found in our related press release.

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