Predelivery Logic: Automatización de flujos de trabajo y políticas de correo electrónico basados en reglas a través de la nube

El nuevo servicio permite controlar, organizar, redirigir y adaptar todo el tráfico de correo electrónico corporativo conforme a reglas definidas por el usuario. Su funcionalidad supera ampliamente la ofrecida por un motor de políticas convencional.

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Partnering With Retarus Pays Off

Retarus employs multiple business segments within its Sales department to ensure their premier cloud offerings reach all prospects and future customers. One of those aforementioned business segments is Indirect Sales where the team is responsible for the health of the relationships within the Channel between Master Agents, Sub Agents, Partners, and Resellers.

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New wave of cyberattacks targets industrial suppliers

Kaspersky Lab is sounding alarm bells over a new wave of cyberattacks targeting the makers of equipment and software for industrial enterprises. Germany, along with Japan, Italy and the UK, is one of the countries the cybercriminals have set their sights on. Phishing emails once again serve as the gateway into company networks. The messages in question are customized to match the language spoken...

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Retarus continues worldwide hiring spree

Retarus is currently recruiting an increasing number of new employees. In the current 2020 fiscal year alone we are expanding our team by over 100 new colleagues. Never before since our company was founded in 1992 have there been so many new hires within a single year.

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So that your emails really hit the mark

As online business continues to grow impressively, systems at the companies involved are generating ever more order confirmations, shipping details, and invoices – in short, there is a substantial increase in transactional emails. However, the proliferation of such emails can have a negative impact on the sender reputation of the company sending them. Our Email Deliverability Guide shows how this can be prevented.

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