Es todo un orgullo para Retarus anunciar su colaboración con PaperCut, que permitirá ofrecer un envío óptimo de faxes. De este modo, los usuarios ya pueden escanear documentos y enviarlos como fax a través del conector basado en API de Retarus, integrado en PaperCut MF.
Twilio interrumpirá los servicios de Programmable Fax en diciembre de 2021
Twilio dejará de ofrecer su solución de fax con API REST, Programmable Fax, a partir del 17 de diciembre de 2021. Afortunadamente, Retarus tiene la solución que necesita.
Powerful: Retarus’ Enterprise Fax APIs
With just a few lines of code you can send and receive faxes by means of your mobile or web app – around the world via Retarus’ Global Delivery Network.
What does ordering a Cheese Sandwich have to do with fax APIs?
One does not often consider the behind-the-scenes IT processes taking place to order a taxi ride on a crowded street from your smartphone. What about considering what exactly is required on your tablet or desktop computer to order food from your favorite restaurant. Finally, how about the steps for checking on the availability of a product you ordered in a store or online. How do businesses streamline their processes to make transactions seamless and simple for users, partners, and themselves?
Tags: API // Cloud Fax // digital economy // Food Delivery // Internet Economy // Retarus for Internet Economy
Retarus Cloud Fax API: reliable and flexible, now also via a RESTful API
While many fax service customers prefer the SOAP interface, especially in the Internet Economy the trend has for some time been towards REST-based interfaces. That’s why Retarus is now making a RESTful API available for all outbound fax services.
Tags: API // Cloud Fax // Internet Economy // RESTful