Paying online set to become more complicated this fall
Tags: 2FA // E-Commerce // Enterprise SMS // Payments
Tags: 2FA // E-Commerce // Enterprise SMS // Payments
Enterprise SMS Services de Retarus le permite enviar fácilmente mensajes cortos desde aplicaciones empresariales como SAP y recibir directamente en la aplicación de negocios el contenido de los SMS recibidos.
Tags: Enterprise SMS // SAP
Two-way SMS customers at Retarus can now dynamically allocate incoming short messages to multiple inboxes or desktops.
Tags: Enterprise SMS
Since 2004 the market research and consulting firm Gartner has been recording worldwide sales of smartphones. Now, for the very first time, the figures reveal that there is no longer any growth.
Tags: Enterprise SMS // Smartphones
Every year, February 1st a.k.a. «Change Your Password Day» calls upon users to employ secure passwords and to change them regularly.
Tags: 2FA // Enterprise SMS // Passwords