En el entorno dinámico del comercio minorista, la comunicación es esencial. Es el factor que determina el éxito de un negocio. Los servicios Cloud de Retarus están especialmente adaptados a las necesidades del sector minorista.
Se requiere con urgencia un sistema de alerta optimizado para la UE. Retarus simplifica la retirada de productos vía SMS.
Following the recent international egg scandal and lessons learned from other instances of food product impurities in the near past, the EU has now announced plans to overhaul its rapid alert system for product recalls. A reaction on the part of the authorities is long overdue, suggests Miriam-Carena Schmitt, a retail sector specialist at Retarus.
Tags: product recall // Retail
Retail Industry: Pick-up notification by SMS
These days customers would like to stay informed about the current status of ongoing jobs and orders both quickly and continuously, and to receive details about pick-up times in a timely manner. But the communication is very complicated and eats up a huge amount of valuable human resource time.
Tags: A case for Retarus // Enterprise SMS // pick-up notifications // Retail
From paper to ERP systems: Digitize order forms and automate processing
Particularly in the ordering process, there is inevitably some unwanted media and integration disruption. Many retailers simply do not have the technical capability and financial means to transmit data in a structured way. As a result, they use template-based paper order forms or unstructured electronic forms. Entering such orders manually in an ERP system is always time-consuming for employees. Retarus EDI Cloud Services can facilitate the automation of manual order processes to a significant extent.
Tags: Digitalization // EDI // ERP // OCR // order forms // order processes // Retail // Wholesale
Retail sales success: The means of communication makes all the difference
In order to keep all staff up to date regarding sales and marketing campaigns, retailers must rely on communication channels that function effectively. But which channel is most suitable for this task? How can the company ensure that all branch offices are informed simultaneously and dependably? Multi-channel messaging platform Retarus WebExpress is able to cover the widest imaginable range of scenarios.
Tags: Employee Communications // Retail // Retarus WebExpress // Wholesale