BITKOM study: Fax more popular than social networks

According to a recent survey by the German IT industry association BITKOM, carried out on the occasion of the CeBIT, fax is in greater demand than ever before. While it remains true that email and telephony are by far the most popular means of communication at companies and therefore indispensable, eight out of ten companies surveyed use fax for internal or external communication, despite the fact that fax has often been declared dead. Only 40% of businesses, by way of contrast, use modern online or video conferencing systems. And only 15% rely on social networks for business communication.

Fax and digitization not mutually exclusive

The reservation that companies show in the use of social media is nothing less than symbolic for the hesitant approach many companies have taken towards digital transformation, explains Bitkom’s managing director, Dr. Bernhard Rohleder, on the occasion of the opening press conference at CeBIT. At the same time there is no reason for fax communication and digitization to exclude each other. At the moment, businesses are rather tending to digitize their processes to the extent that is sensible for them. They utilize the communication technology which enables them to set up each of their business processes as efficiently as possible. Fax is a tried and tested, standardized and legally binding means of communication – and it sensibly complements the digital transformation. Find out how Retarus assists companies in making global, multi-technology digital business models possible, by reading here.

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