New phishing attacks using correct address details

Malicious emails are becoming more and more sophisticated: recently our spam experts discovered a new form of message which integrates personal details. According to the German consumer organization “Stiftung Warentest”, Retarus was first to warn against this phishing variant. In addition to a layout which is deceptively similar to that of Amazon, the mails also contain the recipient’s exact address and telephone data. A link then leads you to a fake Amazon log-in page.

In order to safeguard against the dangers posed by such phishing attempts, both an increased level of vigilance and an attentive plausibility control are essential. Carefully checking the linked target address is ever more important. By mousing over the link prior to clicking, it is possible to verify whether the link is real. Professional spam filters considerably increase the protection against phishing attacks. Additional safeguarding measures use comprehensive black lists to prevent access to potentially unsafe pages. This means that clicks within phishing mails can effectively be rendered harmless.

Learn how you can protect yourself and your business from phishing attacks in Retarus’ Anti-Phishing Guide.

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