« We need to talk! »: Enterprise Messaging Trends 2016 (1/2)

To kick off the New Year, Retarus therefore identified the seven most important trends in Enterprise Messaging. In the first part of our two-part blog post you can find out why companies need to focus more on the “workplace of the future”, connected business, Industry 4.0 and security issues.

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Experton Security Vendor Benchmark 2016: Experton Group evaluates IT security market

Be it due to increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks, high cost pressure or strict legal guidelines such as the EU Data Protection Regulation or the new German IT Security Act – IT security stands alongside cloud computing, big data, social business and mobile enterprise as one of the topics to which the ITC is currently paying most attention. In its annual survey the Experton Group examined the offerings of 138 service providers who currently play an important role on the security market. Retarus has immediately achieved inclusion in the quadrant “Product Challenger” being positioned as one of the strongest cloud service providers in the category “E-Mail / Web / Collaboration Security”.

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Digitalization: Opportunity or risk for banks and insurers?

In view of strict regulatory requirements, low-interest politics and intense cost pressure many finance institutes are neglecting a crucial challenge – the ever accelerating progress of digitalization. However, in order to fulfill the individual needs of their customers and to stay competitive over the long term, banks should start to develop appropriate digital strategies as quickly as possible.

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Gartner Hype Cycle: When a trend is really a trend

For more than 20 years the analysts at Gartner have been using their “Hype Cycle” to throw light on the development of technological trends. But what do Gartner’s experts say about cloud fax services? Have they already arrived at the “Plateau of Productivity” or is the “Trough of Disillusionment” just around the corner?

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