How “funky” is the fax actually these days?

The Financial Times recently investigated this question in an article on the future of business communication. Pointing to numerous research examples, the newspaper shows impressively that there continue to be compelling use cases for fax as a communication medium. From the medical sector right through to the internet economy, companies around the globe are set to continue to rely on this dependable communication standard.

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Award-winning: Ministry for Economic Affairs honors Retarus for outstanding growth

Retarus still counts as one of the fastest growing companies in Bavaria: The global messaging service provider was once again awarded the title « Bayerns Best 50 ». With this award the Bavarian State Ministry distinguishes companies who have attained above-average growth in both number of employees and turnover over the previous years.

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Corporate Design: Uniform mailing campaigns thanks to messaging platforms

Web-based messaging platforms can significantly simplify work by enabling staff members of all departments to send campaigns and newsletters directly via their browser, no matter where they are located. But how can it be ensured that the appearance is uniform and in line with the latest corporate design? Retarus WebExpress offers its customers company-wide transmission templates and their own graphics library.

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