From paper to ERP systems: Digitize order forms and automate processing

Particularly in the ordering process, there is inevitably some unwanted media and integration disruption. Many retailers simply do not have the technical capability and financial means to transmit data in a structured way. As a result, they use template-based paper order forms or unstructured electronic forms. Entering such orders manually in an ERP system is always time-consuming for employees. Retarus EDI Cloud Services can facilitate the automation of manual order processes to a significant extent.

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Shaping digitization: Retarus joins the German Charter of Digital Networking

As of now, Retarus is one of the signatories of the German Charter of Digital Networking (Charta der digitalen Vernetzung), a voluntary entrepreneurial initiative that was set up as part of the « National IT Summit » of the German government. The Charter’s objective is to establish a common platform for dialog between business, science, politics, and civil society.

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