How to protect yourself from blackmail trojan Locky

Since last week the aggressive blackmail Trojan Locky has been causing mischief on computers around the globe. Retarus expands existing spam and virus protection functions and switch all customers over to fourfold virus scanning for the duration of the current, acute threat. To protect yourself as well as possible from attacks by Locky and similar ransomware, users should additionally be vigilant when running macros.

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Secure bank communication: DZ BANK Group banks on Retarus

With the explosion of data communications, banks will need to ensure that information is transmitted free of error and with a high level of security. Enterprise Messaging Services support financial institutions in securing their communication. DZ BANK AG for example, Germany’s fourth largest bank, uses Retarus’ services across the whole company for a wide and diverse range of tasks and scenarios.

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Experton Security Vendor Benchmark 2016: Experton Group evaluates IT security market

Be it due to increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks, high cost pressure or strict legal guidelines such as the EU Data Protection Regulation or the new German IT Security Act – IT security stands alongside cloud computing, big data, social business and mobile enterprise as one of the topics to which the ITC is currently paying most attention. In its annual survey the Experton Group examined the offerings of 138 service providers who currently play an important role on the security market. Retarus has immediately achieved inclusion in the quadrant “Product Challenger” being positioned as one of the strongest cloud service providers in the category “E-Mail / Web / Collaboration Security”.

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Seamless communication processes via the SAP Cloud

Be it offers, orders, customer or delivery documents, alerts, invoices or transport requests: in many companies business communication still takes place via decentralized infrastructures, inflexible solutions or outdated equipment. However, things are moving. A rising number of companies have realized that also with regard to these business processes, the solution lies in the cloud: This allows companies to bundle and consolidate communication processes across all channels, and send data and messages directly from their SAP systems.

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