If you look at the news from the ITC industry, it seems like everything today is about messaging and cloud services.
Messaging and Cloud Computing Are Totally Trending
If you look at the news from the ITC industry, it seems like everything today is about messaging and cloud services.
Using WhatsApp as a company poses problems when it comes to the German Data Protection Act, because contacts from the user’s cell phone are transferred to WhatApp’s servers. Corporate users of the service could be held liable (accompanied by significant monetary penalties!), because they are aware of this. Attorneys therefore unanimously recommend not using WhatsApp for professional purposes.
Tags: Compliance // Customer Communication // Data Protection // Enterprise SMS // IT-Security
Florian Frick is named the new General Counsel of the Retarus Group. He will advise Retarus’ senior management on all strategic issues regarding international law and regulatory provisions, as well as compliance requirements.
Tags: Florian Frick // General Counsel
The winkler Group is one of the leading wholesalers for commercial vehicle spare parts in Europe. To keep in communication with an extremely mobile and fast-paced industry, the company has opted in favor of the messaging platform Retarus WebExpress
Tags: Customer Communication // Marketing // Retarus WebExpress // winkler
As of now, Retarus is one of the signatories of the German Charter of Digital Networking (Charta der digitalen Vernetzung), a voluntary entrepreneurial initiative that was set up as part of the « National IT Summit » of the German government. The Charter’s objective is to establish a common platform for dialog between business, science, politics, and civil society.
Tags: Charter of Digital Networking // digital transformation // entrepreneurial initiative
After Locky, here comes KePanger, PowerWare and Petya: Retarus is currently observing a significantly higher incidence of the crypto trojan Locky, as well as new variations. Whilst in February only around 3% of all incoming emails were infected, the number of messages filtered in March due to viruses had already risen to 17%. This corresponds to a fivefold rise in comparison with the previous month and can be explained primarily by the large increase in ransomware.
Tags: Email Security // Locky // Ransomware // Security Alert