Avec Predelivery Logic, personnalisez vos flux de travail et vos règles de messagerie dans le cloud

Le nouveau service permet de contrôler, organiser, rediriger et ajuster l’ensemble du flux de messagerie d’entreprise à l’aide de règles définies par l’utilisateur. L’éventail de fonctions surpasse de loin celle d’un« moteur de règles » traditionnel.

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Partnering With Retarus Pays Off

Retarus employs multiple business segments within its Sales department to ensure their premier cloud offerings reach all prospects and future customers. One of those aforementioned business segments is Indirect Sales where the team is responsible for the health of the relationships within the Channel between Master Agents, Sub Agents, Partners, and Resellers.

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New wave of cyberattacks targets industrial suppliers

Kaspersky Lab is sounding alarm bells over a new wave of cyberattacks targeting the makers of equipment and software for industrial enterprises. Germany, along with Japan, Italy and the UK, is one of the countries the cybercriminals have set their sights on. Phishing emails once again serve as the gateway into company networks. The messages in question are customized to match the language spoken...

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