Retarus AntiSpam offre de nouvelles fonctions pour une protection renforcée contre les spams

Retarus Email Security offre désormais une protection améliorée contre les spams à l’aide d’une nouvelle fonction de liste noire dynamique. Découvrez-en davantage sur le nouveau filtre antispam et sur une communication par e-mail exempte de virus et de spams grâce à Retarus AntiSpam Management.

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Retarus is no Phisherman’s Friend

We are pushing ahead as announced with the continued development of Retarus E-Mail Security with the introduction of a dedicated phishing filter. The phishing filter is provided free of charge and further minimizes the risk faced by Retarus customers of an employee inadvertently falling for phishing links and disclosing sensitive (access) details.

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Some Faxes Just Got Less Junky

Remember in 2014 when the FCC decided that all advertisement fax communication must include opt-out notifications, including those that were requested or solicited? Now, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit struck down the FCC’s rule requiring opt-out notices on solicited faxes.

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German Accelerator Program: The Start-Up Culture is Part of Retarus’ DNA

The « German Accelerator » program supports high-potential German technology companies to successfully emerge in the U.S. market and scale their business globally. The award offers a significant boost to Retarus’ growth model by providing access to outstanding mentors, notable players in the tech market, and valuable resources for expediting scalability.

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