Infographic: SMS for Business
Tags: Enterprise SMS // Infographic
Tags: Enterprise SMS // Infographic
Retarus recently opened a new office in Atlanta, GA to accommodate its rapid growth in the region. The new location brings Retarus closer to new and existing clients in the region, facilitating the ability to deliver a better customer experience overall.
Tags: Atlanta // growth // Retarus Group
Ransomware is a very real threat. Follow the adage; it is better to be safe than sorry.
Tags: Email Security // Ransomware
« STOP SMS » : comment les services Retarus intègrent cette fonctionnalité Grâce à la liste de blocage SMS, vous pouvez facilement intégrer la fonction « Opt-out » STOP SMS.
Tags: Enterprise SMS
Email is constantly under attack. With this in mind, we have compiled a list of email security tips for end-users.
Tags: Email // Email Security // User Education
In many cases, suppliers or customers simply do not have the capability to digitize data and transmit it in a structured manner. As a result, you have to capture documents such as orders and bills yourself. This causes substantial efforts and costs, while also delaying your processes considerably. It is also not uncommon for potential errors in the data entry to cause constant annoyance in business relationships with partners. Retarus Managed Capture Services help you to overcome these challenges.
Tags: Cloud Fax // Email // Managed Capture Services
On the past weekend the headlines were coming thick and fast about the ransomware known as “WannaCry”, which had paralyzed computers around the globe – even impacting on critical infrastructure.
Tags: Email Security // Patient Zero Detection // Ransomware
Retarus Email Security offre désormais une protection améliorée contre les spams à l’aide d’une nouvelle fonction de liste noire dynamique. Découvrez-en davantage sur le nouveau filtre antispam et sur une communication par e-mail exempte de virus et de spams grâce à Retarus AntiSpam Management.
Tags: Email Security // Spam
When walking through any public space, one gets the impression that each and every person is using a smartphone. A new survey shows, however, that this is an optical illusion.
Tags: Enterprise SMS // Smartphones
Retarus has recently recorded a sharp rise in the volume of messages proposing that readers buy supposedly promising shares. By means of these investment recommendations, cyber criminals are trying to influence the share price of a particular company’s stock to their own advantage.
Tags: cyber crime // Email Security // Spam