Retarus Launches 15th Branch Office in Timișoara, Romania

Retarus Launches 15th Branch Office in Timișoara, Romania

Last Thursday, Retarus celebrated the founding of our latest local subsidiary, this time in Romania. The inauguration of the company’s new office in Timișoara now brings the number of Retarus branch offices up to 15.

« Retarians » from Timișoara and Munich coming together as one

Many of the eleven employees at the new subsidiary have already been working for Retarus through a local partner for several years and will now be transferring officially to the newly founded retarus (România) s.r.l. on December 1st. In Timișoara, Retarus runs a service center for international customers of its Business Integration Services as well as departments for development and quality assurance.

Martin Hager, Founder CEO, Retarus

“This branch office is crucial for us, as it enables us to provide our international clients with quick, reliable service for our EDI solutions,” says Martin Hager, founder and CEO at Retarus. “We are proud that we have been able to attract and recruit employees here who are very highly educated, passionate, and loyal. We have come to Timişoara with the intention of growing here, too.”

You can find out more in our recent press release.

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