Nouvelle ère : le secteur de la santé en plein chamboulement

La numérisation apporte aux cliniques, aux laboratoires et aux cabinets médicaux des avantages clairs. Tout cela permet d’améliorer de manière importante la rentabilité et la qualité des soins dispensés ainsi que les processus de travail du personnel dans le milieu de la santé, ce qui conduit aussi à une meilleure expérience des patients dans le cadre de leur prise en charge.

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Drug Stores, Pharmacies and Distributed SMS

While consumer expectations are rising, digital tools classically used in consumer-facing industries will now need to be applied more liberally to a healthcare setting to determine what, why and how services are delivered. Drug stores send SMS reminders right to a mobile device when scripts are due to be refilled, or a new script from a doctor is required.

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Encrypting Sensitive Patient Data with Retarus E-Mail Encryption

Long-term care planning, complaint management, or current information about the progression of a disease – for senior care facilities and nursing homes active in the healthcare industry, daily communication with family members is essential. The preferred channel of communication these days is email. But installing complex end-to-end encryption is often much too involved for private users. And senior care facilities and nursing homes are ofte not in the position to provide IT support for end users either-

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