All Admins are not Alike: Granular Administration of Rights for Email Security

All Admins are not Alike: Granular Administration of Rights for Email Security

When it comes to granting rights, managers responsible for enterprise IT would always like to define access to important systems as precisely as possible. Long gone are the days when it was only necessary to distinguish between the end user on the one hand, and the administrator on the other. Even amongst administrators these days, there are a wide range of tasks, duties and hierarchies which need to be mirrored as granularly as possible with regard to the access rights administrators are granted. It is only in the rarest cases that one uniform administrator profile is sufficient for the entire IT support. This is because administrators need to be able to fulfill their tasks unhindered, while on the other hand only receiving access to information that they actually require within their scope of responsibilities. Especially larger enterprises or companies with complex organizational structures are discovering that most IT services are just not able to keep up with these advanced configuration requirements.

Restrict access to mirror scope of duties

Especially with regard to email security, it often occurs in practice that support employees are only supposed to monitor the flow of messages for one specific department or site. The fact that in most cases all employees use the same email domain poses serious difficulties for the rigid administrator rights management of many applications. In order to restrict the access of staff responsible for IT systems – particularly in decentralized organizations – to content and reports relevant only to them, Retarus offers individualized and granular rights management.

Granting of individual rights via a central portal

With the innovative access management offered by Retarus E-Mail Security, companies are able to administrate all email cloud services via a central portal (Enterprise Administration Portal, EAS for short). In addition to individual and flexible administrator rights, it is also possible to set other specific restrictions for individual EAS users. In this way, for instance, it is possible to limit the viewing of sensitive email monitoring data to precisely defined levels of hierarchy, countries or departments. This allows companies to comply with both legal requirements and the company’s own policies for data privacy regarding email access. Find out more about the wide range of functions offered by Retarus’ comprehensive solution for virus and spam free communication here or directly from your local Retarus contact person.

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