Security Alert: One in six emails contains a virus

After Locky, here comes KePanger, PowerWare and Petya: Retarus is currently observing a significantly higher incidence of the crypto trojan Locky, as well as new variations. Whilst in February only around 3% of all incoming emails were infected, the number of messages filtered in March due to viruses had already risen to 17%. This corresponds to a fivefold rise in comparison with the previous month and can be explained primarily by the large increase in ransomware.

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Delivery tracking via SMS: How SMS services facilitate last mile delivery

Online rather than window shopping: With the growing importance of e-commerce and online shopping, the demands on logistics companies are also on the rise. At the end of the day, the ordered goods have somehow to be transported from the distribution center to their final destination. With the assistance of Retarus SMS Services, delivery processes become substantially more convenient and transparent.

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BITKOM study: Fax more popular than social networks

According to a recent survey by the German IT industry association BITKOM, fax is in greater demand than ever before. While it remains true that E-Mail and telephony are by far the most popular means of communication at companies and therefore indispensable, eight out of ten companies surveyed use fax for internal or external communication. At the same time there is no reason for fax communication and digitization to exclude each other. Businesses utilize the communication technology which enables them to set up each of their business processes as efficiently as possible.

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