Retarus, a leading provider of cloud fax and communications solutions, is now integrated with Epic – making it even easier for healthcare providers to send secure, confidential, HIPAA-compliant communications.
Phishing flourishes during Covid pandemic
At the initial height of the Covid-19 pandemic, phishing incidents rose to more than 220 percent the annual average. This is one of the key findings in the “2020 Phishing and Fraud Report” released by F5 Labs, the research subsidiary of F5.
Tags: Email Security // Phishing
Video: The Retarus Secure Email Platform at a glance
Email security, protection of sensitive information, management of complex infrastructures, and transactional dispatch from applications are the four core areas of the Retarus Secure Email Platform. In short: a complete solution covering nearly all aspects of the number one business communication channel.
Tags: Email Security
No, anche nel 2020 il fax non è obsoleto
Sempre più spesso mi confronto con persone, opinioni e reportage dei media che presentano il fax come una tecnologia obsoleta che frena la diffusione della digitalizzazione. In realtà, è vero il contrario.
Tags: Cloud Fax
Nuove menzioni di Forrester e Gartner
Siamo lieti di constatare che società leader nel campo dell’analisi tecnologica come Forrester e Gartner continuano a includere Retarus nelle loro pubblicazioni.
Tags: Email Security // Forrester // Gartner