Retarus is continuously updating its infrastructure to always achieve optimum delivery rates and quality in fax transmission.
Companies increasingly opting for IT as a service
Market research and consulting firm Gartner expects companies to increasingly draw on information technology “as-a-service.”
Windows 10 now provides better protection against ransomware
Without shouting it from the rooftops in advance, Microsoft has built in a practical safeguard against ransomware in the Fall Creators Update for Windows 10.
Tags: Email Security // Patient Zero Detection
Common sense emailing
A lot has already been written and said about using email in a sensible way – and apparently there is a never-ending need for such wise words…
Tags: Email // User Education
Mobile emailing continues unabated
Deloitte has published selected findings from its “Global Mobile Consumer Survey 2017 – Mobile Evolution”.
Tags: Email Security // Enterprise SMS // Mobile Evolution // Transactional Email