Automotive Companies successfully meet disruptive challenges

Automotive Companies successfully meet disruptive challenges

The Automotive industry has begun growing again in the last few years. However, this growth comes with challenges from:

  • New buyer group – Millennials – entering the market, they are causing upheaval in what the consumer wants and the resulting car design
  • Connectivity in the car is essential as the car becomes an extension of media activities started at home

These changes and the new demands on the auto industry are forcing car companies away from a single transportation focus, to being a technology savvy company that also happens to build vehicles. Examples include the continuously connected car and extensive use of computerized engines, transmissions and energy storage to increase fuel efficiency. But technology has also added an additional burden on the automotive supply chain eco-system and operations. As added data increases so will the need to store, manage, and simply make sense of the vast amounts of information or vehicle data collected by sensors and devices embedded in cars. Data management and security of this data will continue to be of vital importance in the automotive Industry. What’s more, new regulations aim to ensure safety and reliability of road vehicles. Thus, the regulatory agencies are enforcing rules to protect software from malicious hacking, and parts reliability & safety through the entire supply chain. This reality will impact not just the automotive manufacturers but also suppliers creating increasing complexity throughout the industry. With the ever-growing focus on technology and software, auto companies will be forced to gain proficiency in areas that traditionally weren’t even instrumental to the automotive industry. The increasing products options, and shorter technology cycles do not stop with the manufacturers and suppliers but are also creating a need for secure communications networks. Auto companies are turning to various new technologies to protect all operations from hacking, viruses and malware. All of these changes in the auto Industry will lead them to seek secure and reliable communications with customers and supply chain vendors. To this end, it will be important to have reliable secure and compliant messaging services for Fax, Email and SMS. Retarus’ managed cloud based messaging system greatly improves business processes and greatly improves messaging with greater reliability and scalability, optimizing needed resources. Retarus provides significant return on investment by decreasing total cost of ownership of existing messaging hardware solutions. Because Automotive parts are ordered from world-wide vendors, Retarus’ global infrastructure and business continuity ensures complete supply chain functionality through messaging and reporting. Retarus monitors its customer’s messaging platform on a 24/7 basis and provides a has a repository of globally usable workflow definitions, interfaces, and communications profiles.

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