New wave of cyberattacks targets industrial suppliers
Tags: Email Security
Tags: Email Security
Retarus is currently recruiting an increasing number of new employees. In the current 2020 fiscal year alone we are expanding our team by over 100 new colleagues. Never before since our company was founded in 1992 have there been so many new hires within a single year.
Tags: Wachstum
CxO Fraud Detection, componente di Retarus Email Security Services, protegge le caselle di posta elettronica aziendali dallo spoofing e dalle compromissioni delle mail aziendali. Il servizio è stato da poco ampliato ed è stata modificata anche la logica di filtro.
As online business continues to grow impressively, systems at the companies involved are generating ever more order confirmations, shipping details, and invoices – in short, there is a substantial increase in transactional emails. However, the proliferation of such emails can have a negative impact on the sender reputation of the company sending them. Our Email Deliverability Guide shows how this can be prevented.
Tags: Deliverability Guide
Quando i sistemi IT smettono di funzionare, importanti processi aziendali si arrestano. I costi dei guasti operativi raggiungono rapidamente importi milionari. Con Retarus Email Continuity voi e i vostri collaboratori potete rimanere produttivi nella comunicazione anche se la vostra infrastruttura di posta elettronica non è disponibile, ad esempio a causa di un attacco informatico.
Tags: Email Continuity
During the ongoing coronavirus crisis, Retarus WebExpress has really had a chance to show how powerful a tool it is for internal communication with employees.
Tags: WebExpress
Dal prossimo mese, gli utenti e gli amministratori di Retarus Secure Email Platform possono aspettarsi importanti novità
Tags: Email Security
Interpol, the international police organization, has issued an alert following a rise in ransomware attacks on hospitals and other healthcare institutions on the front line of the battle against the raging Covid-19 pandemic.
Tags: Email Security // User Education
The current situation has turned our daily lives upside down. Many companies have had to make changes to their typical workflows or switch to a flexible home office setup on short notice – the perfect conditions for online fraud.
Tags: Email Security
Since Monday last week, along with the rest of Retarus’ Marketing team, I have been working from home (just like 95% of our company’s staff). So far, everything is working out remarkably well – in no small part because Retarus, as an IT company, is exceptionally well prepared to meet the demands and challenges of this crisis.
Tags: Homeoffice